Friday, October 8, 2010


I wish I had better news to report. But I don't. It's not the worst.

I've been really good at tracking my food in SparkPeople's food tracker. I didn't yesterday - I was sick on the couch allllll day. Still don't feel great.

I also had a visiting chiropractor adjust me, and it was horrendous. I'm still in pain and I felt so violated. I cried the entire drive back home. So now all I want is Dr. Dan! He'll be home Tuesday though. I'm going to work on stretching until then.

Between that and the being sick, I haven't burned the cals or put in the fitness minutes. It's frustrating. I also haven't eaten the best, and that's my own fault. I need to organize/prioritize where my money will go this week and get some groceries. That's on the agenda for tonight.

I'm still dealing with my dad's death. It hits me at random times and it sucks. Sometimes I remember him after they pronounced him dead, and that is just the worst image ever and I wish I could erase it. But I can't. I try to focus on the good times/good pictures I have. It's just so hard, and I miss him.

I'm doing a sleep study next Saturday night. Hopefully we'll get some answers as to why I feel the way I do. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


October is a big month for me, especially this year. I turn 30 on October 30th. It’s crazy! I still feel like I’m 17 and have my whole life ahead of me. I definitely am NOT where I thought I’d be. I didn’t want to live in Florida. I wanted to make enough money to live on. I wanted to be in a committed relationship. I wanted both of my parents to be alive…

That said, I’m not particularly unhappy with life. There are things I want to change; that’s for sure. So I’ve developed some goals I’m going to live and die by. OK, not die. J
·        Reach 204.0 lbs by 11-1-10*
·        Drink 8 cups of water every day
·        Track every single thing I eat
·        Burn 1,000 calories per week
·        Log 2,000 fitness minutes for the month of October
o   That’s 500 minutes per week

*I should state, I’d love to be at 199.9 or below by my birthday, but my goal is a realistic 204 by 11/1.

So there we go! Wish me luck!